Piazza della Carina

Because it teaches immorality, disbelief and misguidance “Raqqa city schools turned to the squares of” cleansing “carried out by “al-Nusra Front “, which entered the city and wreaked havoc.

“Prince of Raqqa”, who is not fluent in writing or even reading screaming, as he burns textbooks in one of Raqqa schools that they broke in to be cleared of “secularism”.

Civil sources have spoken to Breaking News Network that “al-Nusra Front” members have broken into a number of schools in the city and they have burned the school books that they found within, before it become locations for them.

The sources have said that “the insurgents have cheered during the burning of the books, that according to them teaches the Syrian immorality, disbelief and misguidance, and demanded the neighborhood residents to tear out these books that does not serve them anything but a secular books do not teach the true…

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Piazza della Carina

WARNING: “Final” Psy-Op Vs. Syria Begins

Mideast powers opposed to President Bashar Assad have dramatically stepped up weapons supplies to Syrian rebels in coordination with the U.S. in preparation for a push on the capital of Damascus, officials and Western military experts said Wednesday.

A carefully prepared covert operation is arming rebels, involving Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, with the United States and other Western governments consulting, and all parties hold veto power over where the shipments are directed, according to a senior Arab official whose government is participating. His account was corroborated by a diplomat and two military experts.

One must question why the Western media would boldly declare to the world what is supposed to be a “covert” operation, if such an operation had any tactical chance of succeeding – unless of course, the announcement was designed to either cover for wide-scale Western special operations inside Syria…

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Syrie: Quand les amis de François Hollande décident de tuer les religieux musulmans

Allain Jules


Décidément, les terroristes en Syrie changent chaque jour davantage de stratégies. Une réalité qui prouve, sur le terrain, qu’ils n’ont plus d’inspiration mais, tout reste pareil dans la terreur. Leur nouvelle arme est d’assassiner tous les imams qui ne véhiculent pas leur message de haine. En multipliant ce genre d’attentat, ils se disqualifient tous seuls comme des grands. Normal donc que les gens se posent la question de savoir comment peuvent-ils ainsi tuer des prêcheurs de paix et par conséquent, on se méfie encore plus d’eux. A Alep, où ils disent que la population ne les aiment pas, ils ont encore tué.

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Under the title: Misleading Media on Syria – Shaping Public Opinion, I aim to post a few examples of how the NATO aligned mainstream media is used to systematically shape public opinion by fabricating, misleading, dis-informing and deliberately manipulating in order to further the goal of theirs paymasters.

I endeavor to show irrefutable evidence of incidents that occurred while the NATO media was playing a huge role in demonizing the Syrian state, its army, its police & security forces, even normal people who just didn’t support the NATO imposed ‘spontaneous public uprising’ on them. These examples, aired by media channels based inside Syria, have caused these channels to be banned by the same parties preaching Syrians ‘democracy’ & ‘free speech’. On December 05, 2011 the European Union ministers of foreign affairs convened to come up with a decision that will stain their foreign policy & label them hypocrites forever. They decided to ban…

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the real Syrian Free Press



Work in Damascus International Airport Normal, News Circulated Untrue

March 29, 2013 – Damascus International Airport Administration stressed Thursday that work is continuous in the Airport normally and regularly, as the reception of the arriving plans and the departure of those travelling I is normal.

It added that news circulated by some media outlets, which are partners in the bloodshed of the Syrians, regarding the airport is false and untrue.



Continua Normalmente il Lavoro all’Aeroporto Internazionale di Damasco, False le Notizie Contrarie che Circolano

29 marzo 2013 – L’Amministrazione del Damasco International Airport ha sottolineato che il lavoro dell’aeroporto continua normalmente e regolarmente per quel  riguarda i piani di ricezione in arrivo e in partenza di coloro che viaggiano.

L’Amministrazione dell’aeroporto ha aggiunto che le notizie diffuse da alcuni media, che sono complici nello spargimento del sangue dei siriani, per quanto riguarda le normali attività dell’aeroscalo sono false.

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Friends of Syria

Growing up in the west I have been taught that Russia is the bad guy and Britain and the US are the good guys.

After what has happened in Syria, I have now learned that Russia is actually the Good Guys and the USA are the bad guys. This situation shows who the aggressors are and who the peacemakers are.

It has made me think twice about Democracy as it seems to the US, democracy means killing innocent people who had been living a peaceful life until the US decide they want to take over their country.

I have changed my allegiance now to the Peacemakers.


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ALERTE INFO. Syrie: L’Etat terroriste du Qatar prépare intensivement la prise de Damas

Allain Jules


Les livraisons d’armes aux terroristes ont considérablement augmenté et ont été intensifié ces derniers jours en coordination avec les Etats-Unis en vue de prendre rapidement la capitale syrienne Damas, d’après une confirmation des fonctionnaires arabes et des experts militaires occidentaux. Des déclarations qui font suite à celles du sommet de la Ligue arabe. C’est ce mercredi que tout a été acté.

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ALERTE INFO. Syrie : Un violent attentat terroriste contre des étudiants en architecture à Damas

Allain Jules

Syria emblemeLa vermine wahhabo-salafo-terroriste a encore frappé à Damas, en lançant des  obus de mortier sur la faculté d’architecture. Il était exactement 13h. Toute honte bue, et guidée essentiellement par la terreur, elle veut empêcher les gens de vaquer à leurs occupations, aux enfants d’aller à l’école. Il y a au moins 15 morts parmi les  étudiants et 20 blessés.

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Arab League and its Occidental Zionist partners delivering “democracy” in Syria in mortuary bags

fac arh 4 fac arh 3fac arh 5

12 were martyred and others were injured by a mortar shell fired by terrorists which fell inside the Faculty of Architectural Engineering in Damascus on Thursday.
The number of martyrs due to the mortar shell which was fired by terrorists on Damascus university rose to 15 students.

“democracy ” in mortuary bags brought in Syria by Arab League and its Occidental Zionist partners!
This is what they want for the Syrian youth!

Allain Jules

DOHA, Qatar – Au pays où Mammon est Dieu et la superficialité outrageusement tendance, s’offrir des petites folies qui n’ont pas de prix, n’est rien. On peut affréter des avions, alimenter les comptes des vendus qui sont à la tête des pays arabes, et le tour est joué. Comme des moutons, ils accourent à Doha. Comme des chiens, ils rêvent de pouvoir ronger, enfin, l’os que l’affreux terroriste en djellaba, le cheikh Hamad ben Khalifa Al Thani, a laissé sur la table.

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the real Syrian Free Press



The CIA reportedly has a hand in clandestine supply of arms to Syrian rebels by Gulf States. At least 3,500 tons of have been delivered – some ending up on the black market, with the Turkish government an active player, a media report says.

The flow of arms continues with the help of US agents as Washington criticizes Iran and Russia for delivering weapons to the Syrian regime, the New York Times says. Secretary of State John Kerry pressed Iraq on Sunday to close its airspace to Iranian flights just as the latest arms delivery from Qatar for Syrian rebels was landing in Turkey, according to the daily’s report.

The newspaper cites air traffic data, US and foreign officials and rebel commanders in its investigation.

The airlift reportedly began in early 2012 with a Qatari Emir Air Force C-130 transport aircraft flight. Saudi Arabia and Jordan have joined…

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the real Syrian Free Press

Journalist Hussein Murtadha with the Syrian Arab Army


With journalist Hussein Murtadha on the Aleppo airport road (Bermhn battle), on the front-line with the Syrian Arab Army, with confidence in the victor after completed cleaning of the countryside surroundings, and restoring the east side of Aleppo.



Con il giornalista Hussein Murtadha sulla strada dell’aeroporto di Aleppo (battaglia di Bermhn), in prima linea con l’Esercito Arabo Siriano, fiduciosi nella vittoria dopo la bonifica completa delle campagne circostanti ed il ripristino del lato est di Aleppo.


Reloaded by SyrianFreePress.net Network






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Amateur bluffer in front of the world’s superpowers ,considered a criminal by real Syrians and a source of terrorist type help by the Al Qaeda-FSA

Amateur bluffer in front of the world’s superpowers ,considered a criminal by real Syrians and a source of terrorist type help by the Al Qaeda-FSA

Amateur bluffer in front of the world’s superpowers ,considered a criminal by real Syrians and a source of terrorist type help by the Al Qaeda-FSA

Defections became routine ,but from the Zionist puppets’ranks!
Sorry “ranks” is a forced term as they haven’t reached yet the ants ‘level of organizing!

Where there is nothing but foreign interests like those of Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, the USA and UK or France and each of the member is someone’s bug,and when the Devilhood is put in charge.He wants military intervention and support in killing Syrians!

Are Syrian children are being sold and trafficked for organ harvesting?

 Are Syrian children are being sold and trafficked for organ harvesting?

Syrian  Children Being Sold in Europe

According to AlDiyar newspaper, an international gang started buying children from Syrian families. Families who escaped terrorism in Syria to Greece, Cyprus or Turkey. The children are later taken to Europe where they’re to be sold. Children’s description, photos and blood type were posted on some websites. 100,000 Iraqi kid were sold in the Arab Gulf countries and Qatar. This is where the article ends.

Human trafficking had benefited immensely from the “Humanitarian Wars”, as did Organs Trade. Why else would the blood type be included, are the Syrian children’s organs being harvested?
The Organ Black Market

Though the organ and tissue donation market are highly regulated in the United States, underhanded dealings between shadowy operators are not unheard of. It’s illegal in the U.S., and most other nations, to offer or receive compensation for an organ donation. But a black market for human organs does exist.

Citizens of impoverished nations or regions are often tempted to sell one of their kidneys on the black market. In some cases, these entrepreneurial donors are recruited (or learn through word-of-mouth and volunteer) and flown to another nation, where the organ is removed in a makeshift operating room. In 2003, an illegal kidney-procurement network was uncovered in South Africa. The donors were recruited mostly from the slums of Brazil, flown to South Africa where the operation was performed, compensated between $6,000 to $10,000 and returned home

False news about the assassination of Syrian President Bashar Al-assad

False news about the assassination of Syrian President  Bashar Al-assad

– Some websites published false news about the assassination of Syrian President. Bashar Al-assad by one of his Iranian Bodyguard , news exists on this site and on several other site http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/bashar-al-assad-was-shot-by-a-bodyguard-arab-media/38804/ then many websites published that Zionist Bedouins created an Al-Assad articulated robot, will show him dead along with Damascus streets in chaos, to bring about panic and demoralize the Syrian people and the army, to enable terrorists to take advantage of the situation. Just like they did with the fake GREEN SQUARE footage in LIBYA, the news exists on this site :

Friends of Syria

Eric Harroun claims to have joined up with an al Qaeda-linked group fighting in Syria’s brutal civil war. We tracked him down, but getting the truth was more difficult.

by Greg Tepper

In mid-January, a video emerged on YouTube of an English-speaking man, wearing a black-and-white kaffiyeh and surrounded by four bearded Arab men, addressing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad directly. “Your days are numbered, you’re going down in flames, you should just quit now while you can,” he said. “You’re going to die no matter what … we will find you and kill you.”


The speaker was Eric Harroun, a white American from Phoenix, Arizona, who hails from a Christian family. He has become a self-described Sunni Muslim, fighting in Syria’s brutal civil war — even, he claimed, joining up with Jabhat al-Nusra, which the State Department has labeled an alias of al Qaeda in Iraq. He served nearly four…

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Saudi war on Islam, Zionist war on humanity

Saudi war on Islam, Zionist war on humanity

According to recent reports, the last remaining historic sections of the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca have been demolished. (The Masjid al-Haram is the mosque housing the Ka’aba, toward which all Muslims turn to pray.)

According to the London Independent, the Saudis have even ripped down the column marking the spot where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began his miraculous “night journey” to al-Quds (Jerusalem) and to the heavens. There are reports that the Saudi religious police actually celebrated the destruction! 

The location in al-Quds Jerusalem) associated with the “night journey” is commemorated by the al-Aqsa mosque and its Dome of the Rock. That site, too, is threatened. Abdulazeem Salhab, chairman of the Islamic Waqf council in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem), said earlier this year that Israeli excavations beneath the site, which are undermining its foundations, continue despite protests from around the world. 

Why are the Saudis and the Israelis working together to destroy the two monuments associated with the “night journey”? 

The Israeli Zionists have obvious motives. First, they want to erase the Islamic heritage of Palestine, which has been a Muslim country and an Islamically-administered holy land for almost 1,300 years. The Zionists, who massacred and expelled the Muslim, Christian, and even many Jewish Palestinians in 1948, are systematically uprooting and destroying Palestine’s history and heritage to clear the ground for their racist settler colony.

But the Masjid al-Aqsa, with its Dome on the Rock, is not just any historic building. It is the greatest and incomparably most important Islamic architectural monument in the world. For although Muslims pray in the direction of the Ka’aba in Mecca, and make pilgrimage to that city, it is the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem that symbolizes Islam’s status as the culmination of prophecy – the one true universal faith of mankind, incorporating and superseding earlier prophetic revelations whose followers must be protected under the Islamic dispensation. 

The Masjid al-Aqsa, built on the site from which the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) ascended through the heavens, symbolizes Islam’s spirituality and universality. During his night journey, the Prophet met earlier prophets including Moses and Jesus. The Dome on the Rock, like the story of the “night journey,” symbolizes Islam’s status as a universal faith that honors the earlier prophets and protects their followers. It is this symbolism of religious tolerance and unity under the one true God that is apparently unacceptable to both Zionists and Wahhabis. 

The Zionists have been scheming to destroy the Masjid al-Aqsa, and build a simulacrum of an ancient Hebrew temple in which to conduct blood sacrifices, ever since they launched their invasion of Palestine a century ago. Though Zionists claim to worship the same God as Christians and Muslims, a high proportion of Zionists are atheists; most of the rest seem to believe that God is a mere tribal idol of the Zionist people rather than the universal creator and impartial dispenser of justice. (Their whole claim to Palestine is based on an alleged 3,000-year-old divine real estate deed!) To such Zionists, Islam’s tolerance and universality are anathema. No wonder they hate the Masjid al-Aqsa and everything it symbolizes. 

The Saudi Wahabis, for their part, despise tolerance, universality and spirituality almost as much as the Zionists do. The “takfiri” Wahhabis condemn all non-Muslims, and many Muslims as well, as despicable “kaffirs” whose blood can be legitimately shed. In practice, though, they not only honor and revere the worst of the non-Muslims, but go so far as to hand them the keys to the Kingdom’s vast oil wealth.

The Western usury-based banking system, dominated by the Rothschilds – the founding family of Israel – has been propped up by Saudi oil money since 1970. That is the year that Henry Kissinger took the Rothschild Federal Reserve dollar off of the gold standard, and made it a Saudi-backed petrodollar. 

In demolishing the pillar marking the spot where the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) left on the “night journey,” the Saudis are joining the Zionists in rejecting the tolerant, inclusive, spiritual, universal qualities of Islam. They are expressing a characteristically rigid and narrow-minded Wahhabi “orthodoxy” which dreams of destroying the entire history and culture of Islam – and the people who don’t see things exactly the way they do. 

Is this Saudi war on Islam’s heritage engineered by the Zionists? Some claim that the Saudi royal family is actually descended from the heretical Zionist “donmeh” – the secret followers of the Zionist false prophet Shabbeti Zevi, who profess Islam in public but practice orgies and other abominations in private. If true, this would explain the behavior of Saudi princes on their notorious gambling junkets. It would explain why the Saudis are propping up the Rothschild-based New World Order. It would explain why the Saudis are assisting the Zionist takeover of Palestine. And it would explain why the Saudis, like the Zionists, are bulldozing Islam’s history and tradition – especially those parts, such as the monuments of the “Night Journey,” that symbolize Islam’s spiritual universality. 

This destruction of Muslims’ heritage is part of the Zionist New World Order’s attempt to destroy everyone’s heritage. The traditional identity of the United States, for example, has been systematically undermined by the Rothschild-funded Zionist lobby, which has opened the doors to mass immigration, waged a media war against traditional American identity and morality, denatured the American currency and economy, launched a war on the American middle class, and demolished the US Constitution in a series of actions culminating in the 9/11 coup d’état. 

Some believe that the two biggest obstacles in the path of the New World Order are the Islamic ummah and the American middle class. Why? Because Muslims cling tenaciously to traditional values, oppose Zionism, and loathe usury; while the American middle class is the only cohesive group on earth with enough education, economic power, and determination to remain free to potentially stop the impending global dictatorship.

The American and Islamic peoples ought to unite against the Zionists and their Saudi proxies, and stop the New World Order in its tracks. The chief obstacle to this united front against the New World Order, unfortunately, is the American people’s Islamophobia – the well-planned result of the psychological operation of September 11th, 2001. That is why the best way to stop the New World Order is to work to expose the truth about 9/11. 

Muslims killed…by Mujrmeen!

Muslims killed...by Mujrmeen!

Fight in Syria had included since day one, attack on its secular nature. Sheikh AlBouti was the latest and most prominent victim of a two years attack on Syrian religious figures. An attack that was launched by FSA on Muslims and Christians who refused to fall prey to the intended civil war
scenario. Here are some other martyrs who preferred death to giving up on the true essence of their religions or order the killing of their own nation. They all loved Syria more than they loved money or their next breath:

Dr. M. Sa’id Ramadan Al-Bouti was murdered on 21/3/2013 in Al-Eman mosque in Damascus by a suicide bomber while giving a religion lesson. 48 others were killed by the terrorist attack. AlBouti’s only fault was teaching peace, and tolerance. He was adamant in his support to the Syrian Arab Army, he just recently called all Muslims to fight against FSA extremists. More on AlBouti achievements:
They are targeting all Syrians all Real Patriot Syrians..Those Wahhabis are targeting all Syrians no matter which religions are follow ,,they want to destroy all the meanings about humanity and tolerance Syria have handle it since thousands years ago ….i’ll let you with this report to see why they killed Sheikh Al Bouti
Fatwa Killing Bouti Analysis Of Any Muslim
fatwaa about killing al Bouti made by Egyptian Muslim brotherhood cleric

interacted issue speech on last Friday, which delivered preacher Sheikh Mohammed Bouti when he said that the Syrian army are saints, they are one of the noblest people, they are like companions, owners Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, and that their war is a war of the will of God, and God’s sake, unlike killers unbelievers who kill the Syrian people, and massacred children and destroying villages, and obtain money from countries that want bad for Syria, and want to demolish what we have built in Syria’s refusal to Israelis and undergo Zionism.
said: that all Syrian Arab Army Are companions inevitably, though these do not know what the meaning of the companions, What is the meaning of fidelity to the Prophit Mohamed, I do not depart from the Regime , or depart from the policy or the other, but started from the principle of the right,Are not the Syrian Arab Army was made thousands of soldiers from Muslims and Arabs in the fight against the Israeli enemy? He said to Al-Qaradawi You fighting us from the studio in the Al Jazeera television, prefers Come and visit Quneitra at least, To undertook the destruction Israel was did, the faking struggle of Manama in palaces and hotels first class thing, and come stay in Damascus between people who are suffering of car bombs and Bombings is ordered disgusting, but its an honor for us that we in Damascus are steadfast. And like our leads President Assad Samed and steadfast not be subject for all pressures.
then he went to Mohammed Badi’e, who has asked for the blood of al Bouti and demanded a Fatwa to kill him, he said to him, and either the certificate it is an invitation calls from the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammad, and if I die Iits for Islam is the largest honor for me because there of lot who Already every day become martyrs for Syria Arabism for real Islamic Syria and for Syria nationalism.

tell me what you make for the most of Syria nationally, what did you bring more for the Islam in Syria, what did you bring more than Syrian sacrifices, if blood!?, I’ll tell You Syrian Shed in successive wars, if money incomes of Syria slim and we pay most for weapons to protect ourselves, and if faith in God, the mosques of Hama and Homs and Aleppo, Damascus and Dar’aa and all areas ring prayers and faith, and those of us who keep on Real Islam, and we’ll protect Islam, and you Dear Sheikh which you allowed and analyzes my blood Why not analyze all the blood from guarding the Israeli embassy in Cairo,
I am and I Swear the God if in Damascus Israeli flag raise,I’ll leave the city ,but what about you over your head you are flying the Israeli flag in Cairo, and You speaking about the struggle. Then he said Buti, that Qaradawi face to talk offensive and said I Catch money from Sultan, and I Catch money for my remarks, and the correct true that resistance line is a Syrian Line and here the line of fighting and Struggles, either Manama is a symbol of orgy of arrogance and a symbol of homosexuals and the symbol of a deviation from Islam. Do not say anymore that you are defending Sunnis as long as you raising Israeli flag in your capitals. We in Syria as long as we live , We are in Syria as long as one Syrian still alive , if everyone of you met and wanted to raise the Israeli flag in the Syria he will be the Martyr after he falling the flag down , either you living under the Israeli flag and this is the biggest shame, and if you deny our soldiers that they are not companions and they represent the Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him I’will tell you Our soldiers are fighting because they refuse to sign with the Israeli enemy and Gives any inch’s of Tiberias, and our ocupied lands, and in case,I’ll remind you the words of the late President Hafez Al Assad in presence of all of us elders Sunnis and others said that ending the war with Israel thing and by peace agreement is something else. For Syria before ending the war and there are countries such as Mexico and Australia ended the war between them or there is no war, but no one Compulsory to exchange embassies and no one obligatory to trade between each other and we if we signed contract ending the war does not mean that there will be an Israeli embassy in Damascus or business relationships and interests joint it just means a cease-fire and end the state of war and no one can force people to engage and friendship with someone else, but he can stop him from hitting someone else.
from here I will tell you I’m staying in Damascus, proud about my Arabism proud about My Islam and proud about Syrian sacrifices people and the Syrian army.

here is the reply of Badi’s he Issued a fatwa against Al Bouti allowed his blood which its mean what’s happen yesterday!

As for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has denounced booed great Sheikh Mohammed Badi Muslim Brotherhood leader said Bouti that Syrian soldiers are companions and told him how allow yourself to be described Syrian soldiers as companions, by the name of God i analyze your blood and decreed kill, and that every Muslim able to reach your neck to come to you and To cut your nick Must cut!
said: I deny every Muslim prays behind calling Bouti in the mosque, and if the Syrian regime prevents you from remove him, then at least boycotted Whole the mosuqe in which preaches a sermon not listen to this infidel his punish hour so close and so hard!
Sheikh Hassan Bertawy, Imam of AlNawawy mosque in Ruken Addin was assassinated by FSA on 27/8/2012. The terrorists who were stalking him had shot him in front of his house in Ruken Addin – Damascus. The Sheikh had appeared repeatedly on Syrian tv, he was known for being pro-regime. Before assassinating him the terrorists had threatened him against appearing on tv, and went as far as burning his home.

Sheikh Abd Al-Latiff AlShami was kidnapped by FSA from Amneh mosque in Seif AlDawleh – Aleppo, while praying early on Friday 25/7/2012. He was kidnapped right in front of the worshippers. The kidnappers had fired warning shots to stop people from aiding the Sheikh. His body was found few hours later in Seif AlDawleh park. The Sheikh had participated in several pro-regime functions, held hands with priests in show of a united secular Syria…

Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Awf AlSadik, the Imam of Anas Bin Malek mosque in AlMidan – Damascus was killed on 15/2/2012. Terrorists opened fire on the Sheikh’s car while he was heading home. The Sheikh had appeared more than once on the Syrian tv, he asked Saudi Sheikhs on live tv just days before his murder “How can you ban protesting in Saudi Arabia and allow it in Syria”. The martyr had a doctorate in Sharia, was married and had four children.

Sheikh Adnan Saab, the Imam of AlMuhamady mosque in Mezzeh – Damascus was killed on 19/3/2013. His car was bombed while he was heading from his home in AlZahera to the mosque to perform morning prayers.

Sheikh Naser AlAlawi, the Imam of Sayda Zainab mosque was killed on 14/4/2012 while going back home in Sayda Zainab from the evening prayers. He was shot from a close range; those who were present said it was like an execution. The murdered was a renowned Shia cleric.

Sheikh Abd Allah AlSaleh, head of Islam affairs “Oqaf” in Raqqa. He was killed on 30/12/2012 in front of his house. The Sheikh was known to for his pro-regime stance.

Priest Basilios Nassar was killed in Kafer Bahem – Hama on 25/1/2012. FSA had shot the priest who was trying to aid an injured man, a Muslim.

Priest Fady Haddad was found dead on 25/10/2012 in Rif Dimashq. The priest was kidnapped while giving FSA ransom to release a hostage from his congregation in Qatana. His body was found maimed, his eyes gouged & his head scalp removed.

Beside the attack on religious figures, FSA came with a hit-list full of intellectual figures to take out, scientists, prominent actors, doctors, researchers, generals. They’re trying to take back Syria to the stone age, just like they did in Iraq, to read more: http://democratic-syria.blogspot.com/2012/10/fsa-murders-dr-tasabihji-head-of.html

الإرهاب الثوري والقاعدي والحر يستهدف كل شيء علماء ومثقفين واطباء وكتاب ورجال دين وأباء

هذه قائمة شهداء سوريا من رجال الدين من كافة الانتماءات الدينية ، لتكون شاهدة على ان الارهاب ما هو الا حقدا موجها الى الدولة السورية سياسة وشعبا ومجتمعا ودينا ، ليقتلوا الاعتدال ويقيموا فكرهم الظلامي المتطرف :

شيخ الشهداء العلامة محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي الذي استشهد في تفجير انتحاري في مسجد الايمان يوم 21-3-2013

الشهيد الشيخ محمد احمد عوف صادق إمام مسجد أنس بن مالك في دمشق .. استشهد في 15-2-2012

الشهيد الاب فادي حداد كاهن كنيسة قطنا للروم الأرثوذكس الذي اختطف من قبل ميليشيات القاعدة ووجدت جثته منكلة بها في قطنا يوم 25-10-2012

الشهيد الشيخ عبد اللطيف الشامي إمام مسجد أمنة بنت وهب في حلب … استشهد في 25-7-2012

الشهيد الشيخ حسن برتاوي خطيب جامع الإمام النووي في ركن الدين في دمشق … استشهد في 27-8-2012

الشهيد الأب باسيليوس نصار كاهن كنيسة ما إلياس الغيور في مدينة كفربهم … استشهد في 25-1-2012 في حماة أثناء اسعافه أحد الجرحى

الشهيد الشيخ عدنان صعب إمام مسجد المحمدي في المزة بدمشق … استشهد في 19-3-2013

الشهيد الشيخ عبد القدور جبارة الذي استشهد وأصيب شقيقه قرب مقام السيدة زينب في دمشق يوم 15-6-2012

الشهيد الشيخ العلامة سيد ناصر العلوي .. امام حسينية الحوزة العلوية في دمشق .. استشهد في 14-4-2012

الشهيد الشيخ عبد الله صالح مدير اوقاف الرقة … استشهد في 30-12-2012

الشهيد الشيخ عباس اللحام إمام مرقد السيدة رقية في دمشق … استشهد في 13-5-2012

رحم الله شهدائنا من عسكريين وعلماء ومدنيين

للنشر في كل مكان

Moderate “Shami” Islam vs Wahhabism: Shiekh Mohamad Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti finally pays for his anti-salafism stances

Moderate “Shami” Islam vs Wahhabism: Shiekh Mohamad Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti finally pays for his anti-salafism stances

Category: By Syria Tribune


The suicide explosion that took the life of Sheikh Mohamad Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti among 42 others in Damascus yesterday is not a Syrian crisis incident. This event commemorates a struggle that has been going for the past 35 years for Al Bouti in person and the past one and a half millennia for Islam itself.

 Mohamad Saeed ramadan Al Bouti


A research long overdue, much like the explosion itself

Before I start this short journey in Islamic ancient and recent history, I would like to emphasize that I am a secular researcher. I spent 7 years in Sudan under the rule of the Islamic Front (now called the National Congress of Sudan). The Sudanese Islamic Front is one of the different faces of political Islam that conquered the Arab World during the second half of the 20th Century. The mother of all these political Islam movements is the one and only Muslim Brotherhood, who rule Egypt explicitly now, and a few other countries under different names.

This research is long overdue; specially form a person who considers himself an expert in Islamic movements in the Middle East and North Africa. The bloody events in Damascus yesterday pushed me to write this article, but this is just a step one in a series of articles on this important issue.

As for the explosion in Damascus yesterday, it is also long overdue. Al Bouti has been the sworn enemy of Salafism and Muslim Brotherhood militia since the early 80s of the past century. Read on to know why.


Historical roots

The term Salafism appeared for the first time in the 13th century in the teachings of Islamic controversial scholar Ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Taymiyyah called for Muslims to go back to the way their great ancestors (in Arabic: Al Salaf Al Saleh, hence the term Salafism) used to understand Islam. What he wanted was to rid Islam of what he called foreign influence on Islam, which was the natural order of history, given the interaction between Muslims and the wide variety of cultures in areas conquered by the Islamic state. Ibn Taymiyyah is the God Father of the concept of Islamic Sharia rule, and the most prominent scholar whose teachings influenced political Islam movements.

In the 18th century, Mohamad bin Abd Al Wahhab, the creator of modern Salafism, Wahhabism (after him), restructured Salafism in light of modern life, and established what will later be the ruling doctrine for all political Islam movements. The turning point in Wahhabism was the alliance with Ibn Saud, the founder of the Saudi dynasty still ruling the Kingdom of Saudi Arbia until today.


Meanwhile in Damascus

Damascus has always been a melting pot where various cultures and doctrines mixed to form a unique damascene form of Islam. It is worth mentioning that Ibn Taymiyyah was jailed several times in Damascus. Damascus Islamic scholars at that time did not agree with his extreme views, and they kept confronting him till he died in jail.

The damascene version of Islam was closely linked to Sufism, a mystical method that focuses on the spiritual aspects of the religion rather than the political ones. Damascus still has the tomb of Mohey El Din Ibn Arabi, one of the most prominent Sufi scholars in history, and the founder of the Akbari Sufi method. Unlike Ibn Taymiyyah and Abdul Wahhab, Ibn Arabi was a philosopher and researcher, not a salafi follower.

Damascus is also linked to the Ashaari method, a follower of which is Ibn Rushd, one of the most prominent philosophers in history of human kind.

So damascene or “Sahmi” Islam is historically different of that of Salafism and Wahhabism. This could help the western reader understand the conflict between Al Bouti and Salafi scholars. Al Bouti was not happy about the Muslim Brotherhood influence on the International Union of Muslim Sholars, headed by Aljazeera’s spokesperson, Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi, so he established the Union of Sham Land Scholars.


Al Bouti vs the Muslim Brotherhood

In the late 70s and early 80s of the past century, the Muslim Brotherhood attempted toppling the Baath regime and late President Hafiz Al Assad. As confessed by their leader Riyad Al Shakfeh on the BBC, they used terrorism in their attempt. They were also backed by regional and international powers, from Saddam Hussein to the BBC itself back then. They used the media to portrait the events as a peaceful uprising (much like 2011), and a recently released CIA document revealed that the numbers of causalities in those events was extremely exaggerated.

Mohamad Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti, back then a young Muslim scholar, took the other side. The Brotherhood accuses Al Bouti of taking the side of the regime for beneficial purposes, but he explained several times that the disagreement with the Brotherhood is on the doctrine itself, not on politics.

Since then. Al Bouti became the icon of Shami Islam. He was given all the support by the Syrian regime to spread his version of moderate and fraternal Islam, to the extent that he used to appear on the national TV confronting secular researchers, like the televised debate with Dr. Tayeb Tizini in 1990. He also engaged in several debates with Syrian secular researcher Nabeel Fayyad. Those debates took the form of a book for a book, where Fayyad would write a book criticizing Islam, give it to Al Bouti in person, then Al Bouti would write a book in answer to that book*.

Therefore, Al Bouti was an example of a moderate scholar, who accepted criticism, and answered discussion with more discussion. He is known for never calling anyone infidel, and never claiming the right to judge people’s rights of life and freedom. This does not go well with the Salafi doctrine that calls for purification of the Muslim society by taking rid of all infidels. Infidels here referring not only to non-Muslims, but also to everybody who disagrees with Salafism.


The Syrian “Revolution”: A movement supported by Salafi scholarsMohamad Saeed ramadan Al Bouti

Since the events started in Syria, Salafi scholars played an important role in calling for people to revolt. They played on the sectarian string, and incited people to support the “revolution” with money and weapons. The most important Salafi roles came from Al Qaradawi, who has a carte blanche on Aljazeera, and a Syrian Shiekh named Adnan Al Arour. Both A Qaradawi and Al Arour attacked Al Bouti several times (See this montage where both Al Qaradawi and Al Arour say that Al Bouti should be killed, Al
Qaradawi indirectly and AL Arour directly). AL Bouti never reciprocated, but he directed his speech to Al Qaradawi inviting him to a debate to figure out what is real reformation.


On March 21st, coinciding with Nowruz day, a national Kurdish holiday, Sheikh Mohamad Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti (of Kurdish origin) was assassinated in his mosque, with 42 of his students. His death was celebrated by many revolutionary pages (see herehere, and here for example, or see the picture in the frame which shows him “wanted”. This picture was published by a revolutionary page). Moreover, They are now threatening Al Bouti’s son, Tawfeek.


To us in Syria Tribune, this is not an incident related to the Syrian crisis only. This commemorates a long struggle between Al Bouti and the Wahhabi scholars, and between the damascene version of moderate Islam an extremism.




* Fayyad wrote his book “Hiwarat” (Dialogues) in answer to Al Bouti’s book “Hazihi Moshkilatohom” (These are Their Problems). On his Facebook page, Fayyad testified that he took the book to Al Bouti before publishing it, but Al Bouti refused to read it before it is published, so it does not look like censorship.

Belgian Deputy Parliamentary Louis Laurent exposes the Belgian government النائب البلجيكي لويس لوران يفضح الحكومة البلجيكية Syria is the victim of an external coup d’etat by American and Western Sides

Belgian Deputy Parliamentary Louis Laurent exposes the Belgian government النائب البلجيكي لويس لوران يفضح الحكومة البلجيكية Syria is the victim of an external coup d'etat by American and Western Sides


Belgian Deputy Parliamentary Louis Laurent exposes the Belgian government
النائب البلجيكي لويس لوران يفضح الحكومة البلجيكية
Syria is the victim of an external coup d’etat by American and Western Sides
The goal is to oust President Assad, as happened with Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi
Since for the events of 11 September and we see how the imperialists trying to take over the world
We saw how the countries fell down as dominos strange isn’t Right!?
France and Britain decided to arm terrorists after President Assad asked For dialogue with everyone
The strange thing is that the others who are looking for democracy from the outset refused the invitation
And America did not follow the French and British Strange isn’t?
I want to ask question Are You Going to Supply Syrian opposition a weapon and it is possible that you secretly have done!
you told us lot of Stories about Syrian Army and that he defected from the army to discover that they are a group of thieves and Islamic extremists Jihadis coming from All the world, including Belgium, also
Did you know that you when you are defending the so-called free army you are defending the terrorists who they Arming kids with automatic weapons and when a victim they killed national Syrian army
they also said the West has a strategy to overthrow the regime in Syria
They Paid from the Zionists
And You want to bring down the regime who recognized by the world and the United Nations
Stop supporting terrorist groups that turns children into armed terrorists that you helping them to become a murders and this crime Against humanity

النائب البلجيكي لويس لوران يفضح الحكومة البلجيكية
ان سوريا هي ضحية انقلاب خارجي عليها من قبل الاميركي والغربي
والهدف هو اسقاط الرئيس الاسد كما حصل مع صدام حسين والقذافي
ومنذ حصول احداث ايلول ونحن نشاهد كيف يحاول الامبرياليين ان يسيطروا على العالم
وشاهدنا كيف سقطت دول كما احجار الدومينو غريب الامر اليس كذالك
لكن الامر ان فرنسا وبريطانيا قررت ان تسلح الارهابيين بعد ان طلب الرئيس الاسد ان يتحاور مع الجميع

والغريب في الامر ان الاخرين الذين يبحثون عن الديمقراطية منذ البداية رفضوا هذه الدعوة
واميركا لم تتبع مخطط الفرنسي والبريطاني غريب
اريد ان اوجه لكم السؤال التالي هل ستزودون المعارضة السورية بسلاح ومن الممكن انكم فعلتوها بالسر
وان الجيش السوري الحر انه انشق من الجيش لنكتشف انه مجموعة لصوص واسلاميين متطرفين جاؤو من

كل العالم وبينهم بلجيكا ايضا
وهل تعلمون انكم عندما تدافعون عن مايسمى بالجيش الحر انكم تدافعون عن الارهابيين الذين يقومون في

تسليح الاطفال باسلحة اوتوماتيكية وعندما يقتل يكون ضحية الجيش النظامي
قال انو الغرب لديه استراتيجية لاسقاط النظام في سوريا
مدفوع من الصهاينة
وتريدون اسقاط نظام معترف به من العالم
توقفوا عن دعم المجموعات الارهابية التي تحول الاطفال الى مسلحين انكم تساهمون في قتلهم وهذه جريمة

ضد البشرية

علي غندور

Allain Jules

Contre toute attente, ce que ne va sans doute pas apprécier Washington, l’ONU est d’accord, à la demande du Gouvernement syrien, de participer à l’enquête indépendante demandé par Bachar al-Assad, après l’attaque à l’arme chimique à Khan al-Assal, dans la région d’Alep. Le secrétaire général de l’ONU Ban Ki-moon a fait savoir aujourd’hui:

“J’ai décidé de mener une enquête des Nations Unies sur l’utilisation possible d’armes chimiques en Syrie, sur l’incident spécifique porté à mon attention par le Gouvernement syrien ».

Les enquêteurs de l’ONU vont coopérer avec des experts de l’Organisation pour l’interdiction des armes chimiques (OIAC) et l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). Du coup, Paris, Washington et Londres tremblent. Moscou est satisfait, e demande au trio du gang des barbares, de ne pas entraver l’enquête de l’ONU.

Homs: Une voiture piégée a explosé sur la rue d’al-Ahram. Deux martyrs et plus de 40 blessés, à l’issue de…

View original post 150 more words

Allain Jules


DAMAS, Syrie – Une explosion a ravagé une mosquée dans la capitale syrienne, Damas, tuant l’imam sunnite Cheikh Mohammed Saïd Ramadan Bouti. Il était aussi un écrivain accompli, théologien émérite et prédicateur très respecté. Le nombre total de victimes reste inconnu. Vous avez dit révolutionnaires ? Des gens qui tuent pour tuer, simplement pour terroriser les gens ?

View original post 47 more words

The #UK government is supplying hundreds of chemical weapons detection and protection kits to foreign-backed terrorists

chemo girl


The #UK government is supplying hundreds of chemical weapons detection and protection kits to foreign-backed terrorists fighting in Syria and killing #Syrians




Martyr scholar al-Bouti was born in 1929. He accomplished his Sharia Baccalaureate
certificate at the Islamic Tawjih Institute in Damascus.

In 1953, he joined al-Sharea Academy at al-Azhar University and acquired the global certificate in 1955, then he got a diploma in education in the same year.

He was appointed as a teacher in Al-Sharea Academy at Damascus university in 1960, then he was delegated to al-Azhar university to get the doctorate in the Islamic Sharea Originals and got it in 1965.

In 1965, he was nominated as a professor in al-Sharea Academy at Damascus University in 1965, then a dean and chairman of the religions sector at the University.

In 2012 he was nominated as President of the Levant Scholars’ Union.

Member of the Higher Council of Oxford Academy.

He wrote more than 40 books in the sciences of Sharea, literature, philosophy, society and civilization.

“All praise is due to Allah, praise that complies with His blessings and compensates His abundance. Our Lord, for You is all praise as befits the majesty of Your countenance and the might of Your authority.
O Allah, I cannot sufficiently enumerate praises upon You; You are as you have praised Your self. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone and He has no partner, and I bear witness that our Master Muhammad is His slave and Messenger and His sincere and intimate friend, the best Prophet that Allah sent to the entire world as a herald of glad tidings and admonition. O Allah, pray upon, give peace and give blessings upon our Master Muhammad and upon the family of our Master Muhammad, prayers and peace that last inseparably until the Day of Judgement. I advise you and my sinning self to have fearful awareness of Allah the Exalted.
To proceed, O slaves of Allah:
It has been authentically related from our Beloved Mustafa that he said: ‘None of you will truly have faith until Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to one than anything else.’ He also said: ‘None of you will truly have faith until I am more beloved to him than his wealth, his children and his own self that is between his two sides.”

SERMON OF Great Scholar, Dr. Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Bouti… martyred in a terrorist suicide explosion in al-Eman Mosque in Damascus

بسْمِ اڶڶّهِ اڶرَّحْمَنِ اڶرَّحِيمِ۞
اڶْحَمْدُڶڶّهِ رَبِّ اڶْعَالَمِينَ ۞اڶرَّحْمنِ اڶرَّحِيمِ ۞ مَاڶِڪِ يْومِ اڶدِّينِ ۞إِيَّاڪَ نَعْبُدُۈإِيَّاڪَ نَڛْٺَعِينُ ۞ اهدِنَا اڶصِّرَاطَ اڶمُڛٺَقِيمَ ۞ صِرَاطَ اڶَّذِينَ أَنعَمٺَ عَڶَيهِمْ غَير المَغضُوبِ عَڶَيهِمْ ۈَڶاَ اڶضَّاڶِّين ۞
صَدَقَ آلله آلعَلِيُ آلعَظِيم



DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Great Scholar, Dr. Mohammad Said Ramadan a-Bouti was martyred on Thursday after a suicide terrorist blew himself up at al-Iman Mosque in Damascus while the late martyr was giving a religious lesson.

The terrorist act claimed the lives of scores of prayers, while tens others were injured.

An official source told SANA that the suicide terrorist intended to blow himself up among the students who were listening to a religious lesson, leading to the martyrdom and injuries of scores of people and causing big material losses.

A source at the Health Ministry stated that the death toll of the terrorist act rose to 42, while 84 others were injured.

The wounded prayers were admitted to a number of Damascus hospitals.     

Ministry of Awkaf ( Religious Endowments ), Syria scholars, intellectuals, teachers and the Levant Scholars’ Union announced the death of scholar al-Bouti who was martyred while giving a religious lesson in al-Iman mosque.

“The malicious hands of traitors killed the great Scholar because he was the voice of Syria, the right of Syria and the image of Syria.. they targeted his body, but they didn’t target his mentality or spirit,” Minister of Awkaf  Mohammad Abdul-Satar al-Sayyed said in a statement.    

“This massacre adds to the crimes perpetrated by the mercenary terrorists against the Syrians.. they target everything including the mosques and houses of worship,” the leadership said in statement. 

Archbishop al-Khouri.. al-Bouti remain the word of right

Archbishop Luka al-Khouri, the general vicar of the patriarchate of Antioch and all the East said that the late scholar al-Bouti will remain the word of right that we have learned from.. his teachings will remain remembered in the brains of all Syrians.

“We all pray for the rest of our martyr whom we respect..,” Archbishop Khouri said in a speech to the Syrian TV.     

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