Syria holds countries that support terrorists responsible for leaking information on chemical weapons sites

the real Syrian Free Press

Syria holds countries that support terrorists responsible for leaking information on chemical weapons sites


Damascus – (SANA/H.Sabbagh)– Syria denounced the leaking of information on chemical weapons to terrorist groups by countries known for supporting them, holding these countries responsible for the entailing risks and appealing to international organizations to prevent the irresponsible actions of these countries.

An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told SANA on Tuesday that the full cooperation between Syria and the UN and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and Syria’s success in fulfilling its obligations to the Chemical Weapons Treaty angered those who conspire against Syria and support terrorism.

The source said that in this context, terrorist organizations attacked sites containing chemical materials due to be transported outside Syria, with terrorist groups attacking one of these sites on December 21st in great numbers and employing many vehicles equipped with machineguns…

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Long live Syria!

Long live Syria!


by Madd Cold (Jonathan Azaziah)

Pardon me as I make a du3a for the Syrian army defending Syria’s sovereignty in the middle of a crisis/And to the opposition you are not Resistance you are mocking it with your treacherous words and belittling the righteous/You should be despising yourselves, aligning yourselves with Israel, NATO and their puppet oil and gas regimes/Plot is 30 years old but Syria will crush and foil your drastic scheme/Birthed with the Brotherhood insurgency in seventy six/Ended in eighty-two, Hafez al-Assad wasn’t murdered and the enemies flipped/In light of this reality, Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon composed a strategy to break the nation apart/Transform it into weakened and demolished states for Israel to confiscate, dominate and keep the people strafed and facing the dark/Updated in ‘96 as “Clean Break” by Zionist criminals Perle and Feith/Said that Turkey and Jordan would be key to the rollback, a cold trap to set this miserable world alight/Finalized with stooges Bush and Obama, ain’t a revolution, they are lying to you steadily/Arab Spring coined by Charles Krauthammer, neocon cancer and international PSYOP to further Zionist hegemony/


Not a revolution, this is destabilization
You call it uprising, I call it death of a nation
I call you liars, clowns of the devil
Long live Syria, down with the rebels

Burning churches and murdered journalists, this is Western-backed classic democracy/ Houla and Tremseh, Hama and Homs, Zionist media frenzy over manufactured atrocities/ Christians to Beirut, death to the Shi3a, 3alawi to the coffins/Chanted by these sectarian thugs, granted they are bankrolled by Houses of Saud and Thani, specialize in murder, robbery and extortion/Torture and car bombs, terror’s the game/Assef Shawkat assassinated, weapons line to Hezbollah severed by Mossad is the devilish Jewish supremacist aim/Regime changed, replaced with Wahhabi ingrates subservient to the Gulf/Imprisoning women because their definition of Hijab isn’t sufficient, killing men because their beard length isn’t a Sunnah derivative, they are merciless and a cult/ Kidnaping pilgrims, throwing postal workers from buildings, making human shields out of civilians, war crimes galore/Lieberman and McCain, evil and just deranged, they want a new Syria where all die in gore/Danny Ayalon bragging blatant of fragmentation with no way to mend the sorrow/Unless Syria surrendered to Zionism, then this bullshit ‘revolution’ would end tomorrow/


British and German intelligence aiding the rebels to keep the Syrian army’s communications disheveled and so the country hurts and burns better/Israel and America directing operations from a Turkish nerve center/Bahrain, Kuwait and House of Nahyan continue to move numbers/And Erdogan, nasty hypocrite, waste of a human life, Zionist blue and white are really your true colors/Same goes for the Saudi king, the way the Israelis make you sing is pitiful/CIA is giving the rats guns and stinger missiles too/ Horowitz and Wolf’s anti-Beijing cyber warfare passed to activist proxies/Spreading lies through encrypted usernames while the rebels terrorize with brutal pain and stack up the bodies/Syrian Observatory covers it up, a one-man band in Coventry with illustrious funds from the energy tyrants/Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, Zionist-funded fronts that whitewash the enemy’s violence/Zionist World Order emerging with mass panic, famine and the sickness/Israel will rule if we do not stand with the Resistance/So long live Syria, Long live Syria, and may ALLAH damn the rebels, and dismantle their existence/


Time Person of the Year Rigged

Friends of Syria

The USA worried at the embarrassment of Bashar Al Assad would cause them if he won the poll. Time magazine have removed the availability to vote for him.

Assad has been in the top ten in the last two years and was the highest placed leader last year. This against the Obama lies that Assad is killing his own people. This year there is also support from US citizens now they know that Obama has been lying about the situation in Syria and supporting the terrorists who have been butchering Syrian citizens.

Bashar Al Assad is fighting the world terrorists, single handedly with only the support of Russia While the USA are funding Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIL.

You can see below the two people either side of the Assad page which are working perfectly and Assad’s image and poll have been removed.

Last year Time Magazine announced Obama…

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Mother Agnes Mariam: In Her Own Words

Mideast Shuffle


American national security journalist Jeremy Scahill and leftist British columnist Owen Jones announced recently that they would not share a platform with a Palestinian-Lebanese nun at the Stop The War Coalition’s November 30 UK conference.

Neither Scahill nor Jones provided any reason for their harsh “indictment” of Mother Agnes Mariam, who has worked tirelessly for the past few years on reconciliation in war-torn Syria, where she has lived for two decades.

The journalists – neither of whom have produced any notable body of work on Syria – appear to have followed the lead of a breed of Syria “activists” who have given us doozies like “Assad is about to fall,” “Assad has no support,” “the opposition is peaceful,” “the opposition is unarmed,” “this is a popular revolution,” “the revolution is not foreign-backed,” “there is no Al Qaeda in Syria,” “the dead are mostly civilians,” and other such gems.

For some…

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Mujer saudí se une a terroristas en Siria (ESP)

the real Syrian Free Press


En Siria, después de duras pérdidas de los terroristas provenientes de otros países extranjeros como Arabia Saudí, a los mercenarios no les queda más remedio que recurrir a mujeres para evitar su desintegración definitiva.

Las páginas Web de terroristas en Siria, anunciaron el lunes la llegada de una mujer procedente de Arabia Saudí, identificada como, Neda al-Qahtani, a Siria para luchar junto con los grupos armados contra el Gobierno de Damasco.

Al-Qahtani es la primera mujer saudí que medios sociales de terroristas, revelan su nombre oficialmente.

Cabe mencionar que desde principios de la crisis en Siria, Arabia Saudí ha sido uno de los principales apoyos a los mercenarios que luchan para derrocar al Gobierno sirio.

Al menos 10 000 terroristas extranjeros se encuentran en Siria, y están luchando contra el Gobierno de Bashar al-Asad, según el diario británico ‘The Times’.

Algunos países occidentales y varios regionales fomentan la violencia en…

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A Soldier of Syria Speaks Out About War and His Hope for Syria

the real Syrian Free Press

“You told me you trusted me… so trust me now.”

soldier of syria

My friend and I sat down with a soldier of Syria, our friend. He speaks of who he fights and why he fights. He speaks of the hope he has for his country and his people. He is a true defender of his homeland and one of the most honorable men I ever sat and spoke with.

Beware of the media lies against this country, against this army, and against this President Bashar al-Assad.


Video and Report By NevaehWest


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