NATO and the Gulf Cooperation Council Organized and Financed the Death of 120,000 Syrians

Friends of Syria

by Thierry Meyssan

hollande-obamaWhat has been happening in Syria for the past three years? According to NATO and GCC media reports, the “regime” has shed blood to suppress a democratic revolution. However this version is contradicted by the current support for the government estimated at, according to sources, between 60 and 90 % of the population. The truth is quite different: NATO and the GCC have successively lost a war of succession and a fourth generation Nicaraguan-type war. It is they, and they alone, who organized and financed the death of 120,000 Syrians.

One of the challenges of preparing for the Geneva conference is to write the history of Syria. The NATO powers and the Gulf Cooperation Council are trying to impose their version of events which would give them a clear advantage at the negotiating table. Hence a sudden avalanche of articles and summary reports in the Western and…

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Rothschildism Is Spreading All Over Syria: Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad Speech!

Israel’s Threat to Us All Becomes Obvious

the real Syrian Free Press

The recent breakthrough in the Iran-Sextet nuclear talks, a geopolitical earthquake in itself, has also brought on many interesting aftershocks which could usher in a New World Order much different than the one normally associated with the term.

Benjamin-Netanyahu rant

The fight leading up to the Sunday night success has revealed the battle lines more clearly than ever before who the real threat has been all along.

Israel deployed a full scale assault on America and the world, attempting to strangle the peace baby in its bed. Sure, we had the usual Congressional shills shaming America as they went through their sock puppet talking points recitations. Americans are used to having this humiliation.

But this time the Zionist lobby lead with their A-team, the senior senators who have long worked hand in glove with Israeli intelligence operatives to perpetrate a long running psychological operation on the American people. This is a treasonous…

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Syria – A Case for Jihad or Not? Do NOT be Deceived

the real Syrian Free Press

To all you Takfiri Islamic Jihadists who “THINK” you know the situation in Syria because someone “told” you about the situation…


If you do NOT understand the situation in Syria, then do NOT be led astray by the lies of PAID men with agendas. The lies are the work of Shaytan.  The liars have a plan to decrease the Arab population in the world, and to create “Islamaphobia.” This will drive uneducated people AWAY from Islam. Do NOT serve the agenda of the US and Israel to pit Sunni against Shia, Muslim against Christian, or Arab against Arab. “Divide and Conquer,” its the American way.



This is the manipulation of the PAID media just as many of the clerics and false fatwas issued against Syria by man. The USA has many media channels on youtube ONLY to deceive you, as Saudi pays many millions to

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The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack and the Role of Saudi Intelligence. The Mint News Report

Friends of Syria

Following AP reporter Dale Gavlak’s attempt to disassociate from the Mint Press News report: “Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack” (see previous article for background here) Mint Press Editor in Chief Mnar Muhawesh published a statement in response reiterating her support for, and the credentials of, the two journalists involved, along with the substance of the report they had produced. The report in question included statements from residents and relatives of rebel fighters in Eastern Ghouta, who alleged that Saudi Intelligence Chief, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, had supplied extremist elements in the region with chemical weapons.


The Muhawesh statement went largely unnoticed in mainstream media, instead, the usual actors produced a variety of baseless lurid smears and conspiracy theories directed at Mint Press and Yahya Ababneh, the reporter on the ground in Ghouta, in transparent efforts to discredit them and the substance of the report.

One particularly…

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Largest Terrorist Group Merger Aims at Establishing Islamic State in Syria

the real Syrian Free Press

Ahmad Eissa al-Sheikh

Leader of the “Souqour al-Sham” (Hawks of the Levant) Brigades, Ahmad Issa al-Sheikh, announced the formation of “al-Jabha al-Islamiya” (the Islamic Front), which is the largest rebel group merger in the Syrian crisis so far.

Uploaded By Eretz Zen

It combines Islamist groups that aim at toppling the secular government headed by President Bashar al-Assad to replace it by an Islamic State ruled by Sharia law.

The merged groups include:
– Islamist Movement of Ahrar al-Sham (Free [Men] of the Levant)
– Souqour al-Sham (Hawks of the Levant) Brigades
– Tawhid (Monotheism) Brigade
– Haqq (Truth) Brigade
– Ansar al-Sham (Partisans of the Levant) Battalions
– Islamic Kurdish Front
– others

Report By Eretz Zen

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Obama Backed Opposition Target Children

Friends of Syria

Families in a central neighbourhood of the Syrian capital retrieving the bodies of children.


A small white coffin with a gold cross on the lid into the back of a hearse. Three men carried out another coffin, as woman dressed in black cried out: “What a waste, what a shame!” A hospital medic draped a white robe over six-year-old Majd Shahadeh before he was placed in a coffin.

“I am proud because I am the mother of a martyr and I am ready even to sacrifice my other two sons for Syria,” said the bus driver’s tearful mother, Samira Abu Sukkeh.

#UNICEF called the shelling “barbaric,” talking about the moral obligation to respect the sanctity of children’s lives and ensure that schools remain a place of safe refuge.”

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4 English ‘jihadist’ gangsters fighting in Syria killed by Syrian Arab Army

the real Syrian Free Press



4 English ‘jihadist’ gangsters fighting in Syria killed by Syrian Arab Army

Reports from Syria say four British gangstares fighting alongside other foreign-backed militants have been killed in clashes with Syrian Arab Army troops.

Three of the British terrorists were from London and died in August when their group attacked Syrian soldiers.

The fourth militant was shot dead two weeks later in a failed ambush.

The men were reportedly from a group of English ‘jihadists’ working with al-Qaeda-linked militants.

The UK’s intelligence agency, the MI5, has said that up to 300 British mercenaries are fighting against the Government forces in Syria.







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PROFILE of the “ABDULLAH AZZAM BRIGADES”, the Al-Qaeda-linked group responsible for the suicide attack at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut

the real Syrian Free Press




the Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group responsible for the suicide attack at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut


The Abdullah Azzam Brigades

An organization affiliated with Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (which claimed responsibility for the Pearl Continental hotel bombing in Peshawar, Pakistan), Al-Qaeda and the global jihad, is likely responsible for the terrorist attack on a Japanese oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz. The organization, which began operating in 2009, has an active network in Lebanon.


On the night of July 27-28, 2010, an explosion took place in the stern of the Japanese oil tanker M. Star when it was anchored in the Strait of Hormuz. It appears that the explosion was caused by a boat laden with explosives and piloted by a suicide bomber. The boat came alongside the oil tanker and blew up. The tanker, which was en route to Japan’s Port of…

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Des Européens reprennent la coopération sécuritaire avec la Syrie

Réseau International

Tribune libre Almutanabi Jasmin

extremiste-frAprès avoir nié, ignoré ou minimisé le rôle des extrémistes étrangers combattants dans les rangs des rebelles en Syrie, l’Occident, plus particulièrement les Etats européens, commencent à réaliser l’ampleur et la gravité de ce phénomène pour la stabilité et la sécurité de leurs pays. Certains ont rétabli les canaux de coopération sécuritaire avec Damas, d’autres ont essuyé une fin de non recevoir.

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Massive popular event in Damascus celebrating Correctionst Movement

the real Syrian Free Press



Massive popular event in Damascus celebrating Correctionst Movement

16/11/2013 – Marking the 43rd anniversary of the Correctionist Movement, the Damascus branch of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party (BASP) staged a youth event in al-Hamra Street on Saturday that included various sport and cleaning activities.

A huge crowd of youth and people of various social, artistic and civil spectra participated in the event, which was attended by the BASP Assistant Secretary General Hilal al-Hilal and other party and unions officials.

A campaign for removing banners and advertising posters and cleaning a number of markets and main streets was carried out by the Revolutionary Youth Union in the framework of the event , in addition to sport shows performed by Qassioun Club players.

The participants chanted slogans hailing the achievements made in the aftermath of the Correctionist Movement, celebrated on November 16th of every year since 1970, in addition to applauding the…

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43 ANS POUR LE MOUVEMENT DU REDRESSEMENT. Syrie: journal de Syrie du 16-11-2013

Allain Jules

– L’armée a pris le contrôle de plusieurs localités dans les banlieues d’Alep et de Homs.
– Les Syriens célèbrent cette année, le 43ème anniversaire du mouvement de redressement
– Liquidation des terroristes, dont l’un des chefs du soi-disant ” Bataillon d’al-Jihadiyn” à Daraa

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Hollande Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, but doesn’t Want them to Return Home

Friends of Syria

French President Francois Hollande lands in Israel Sunday afternoon for his first official visit as president, after receiving accolades from Israeli officials for apparently blocking an agreement with Iran that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had termed “a bad deal.”


A warm welcome is expected for the French leader, who will push home his advantage on Iran by “strongly reiterating” that “Iran’s military nuclear program must stop,” according to French sources.

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Syrian Opposition: Israel is not an Enemy Anymore, but a Partner

Friends of Syria

“Istanbul Council” has thanked Israel for the ongoing supplies to its insurgents in Syria and called on to keep curing the wounded fighters in its hospitals within the framework of coordination between the opposition and Israel.

“Walah” website has quoted an Israeli radio as saying that “Jacob Margi, who is a member in Knesset of the Shas Party, has met in Turkey the armed groups’ representatives, who asked for providing support and supplies for them, voicing their appreciation to the treatment that Israel is providing to their injuries.”

“I had an impression about the delegation that I have met, which is depressed from the West’s support,” Margi said.

Muhammad Adnan, a Syrian opponent who heads the so-called “Syrian Revolutionaries union in Syria”, that the circumstances proved that Israel is not an enemy anymore, but a partner in the struggle against a common enemy.

The Radio highlighted that the Syrian opposition…

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CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors

Friends of Syria

Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention.

The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments.  Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.

While Assad is definitely a tyrant like any head of state, a US invasion of the country is a worst case scenario for the people living there.

By pointing out that the mainstream media is orchestrating their entire coverage of this incident, we are not denying that there is a tremendous amount of death and violence in Syria right now.  However, we are showing that the mainstream media version of events is scripted and staged propaganda.

The following video shows him contradicting himself while…

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US & UK Keep Supporting the Militants Who Vow to Wage War Against You – Idiots!

the real Syrian Free Press

Foreign nationals operating alongside al-Qaeda militants inside Syria have threatened to take the war to the United States and Britain.

In a video posted on the Internet, the foreign militants said the United States and the UK would be the next targets of their militancy.

Uploaded By WolkenZwemmer

One hundred British nationals have reportedly joined the foreign-backed groups in Syria, joining militants from the US, Canada, France, Russia, and the Netherlands.

German intelligence authorities have recently warned that German citizens are heading for Syria in increasing numbers and are able to integrate quickly into the foreign-backed militant groups in Syria.

On May 18, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that militants from 29 different countries are now fighting against the government in different parts of the country.


The militants receive the support of some Western countries and a number of regional states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. The countries provide weapons…

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World Should Focus on Warmongering Israel’s Nukes

the real Syrian Free Press

A political commentator says the world should focus on Israel’s nuclear weapons program and urge the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to more speedily dismantle their nukes.


Hamid Golpira made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday.



Most experts estimate that Israel has about 200 nuclear warheads, largely based on information leaked to the Sunday Times newspaper in the 1980s by Mordechai Vanunu, a former worker at the Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor.

Israel, which has started several wars in the region in its 65-year history of occupation, maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity over its nuclear weapons program and does not allow international inspectors to visit its nuclear sites.

On the other hand, the illegal US-engineered sanctions on Iran have been imposed based on the unfounded accusation that Tehran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.


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Terrorist in Syria Accidently Beheads Fellow Jihadist – Then Apologize For It

the real Syrian Free Press

When you look up ‘stupid’ in the dictionary, this is what it says…

adj. stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
5. Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.
A stupid or foolish person.

I call for a picture of ISIS Jihadists to be added to the dictionary under the word ‘STUPID.’


BEIRUT: Militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater #Syria (ISIS) have publicly displayed in #Aleppo what they claim was the decapitated head of an Iraqi Shiite pro-regime militiaman, amid claims the dead man was actually a rebel fighter.

A YouTube video emerged Wednesday purporting to show militants from ISIS displaying the man’s severed head in front of a small crowd in the city of Aleppo.


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